TWN Industries Inc., the leading water transfer printing supplier, has once again teamed up with Next Camo for the release of a new hydrographic: “EVO” (Extra-wide Versatile Open-terrain) pattern. This new extra-wide open-terrain waterfowl pattern was designed to conceal hunters in a number of open terrain environments, ranging from marshes and mudflats to open grassy fields.
Our new Next EVO camo pattern is made up of a combination of elements commonly found in marshland and open, grass-covered environments along with leaves limbs and twigs–making it the perfect multi-environmental pattern for just about any situation.
Next Camo EVO water transfer printing film pattern is available exclusively through TWN Industries, Inc. Three-meter accessory packs and production quantity film is available immediately. The part number is as follows: WTP- 801 EVO- Next Camo.
To find a TWN Certified Decorator who can decorate products for you, or to purchase film, call 305-258-9622. www.watertransferprinting.com